The Cusp of Something Great
The constant, grey smog always seemed thicker the closer you got to the station where the freaks hung out.
The rumbling sound came from the human and mechanised traffic just passing through the central junction apex. There was always talk of the stables, music venues, bars and market stalls destined for demolition for shiny new shopping malls. Would-be gangsters regularly approached you offering all sorts under a constant grey shroud dispersed by sleazy lights. Not Vegas baby but the Camden I remember.
I smile as I see now the tourist trains coming to see what all the fuss is about and wonder if they realise the unrivalled heritage of music in this place. After a thirst quenching gulp from the icy bottle top, I put it down to rest along with my contemplative thoughts to witness the music in front of me.
I was invited down to Sunday Live at Bar Vinyl to see Jordan Andrews play. Promoter’s Zarathustras have been hosting events all over London for fourteen years! Every Sunday they allow a dozen singer/songwriters from all walks of life to play the afternoon and evening away.
I caught a bit of Irish troubadour Pete Gardiner’s set – his lyrics funny, insightful and a little bit dark. Check out the recently uploaded new video Idols.
Follow up act Lauren Rich livened up the atmosphere when the crowd joined in on chorus to single The Drink Talking which can be downloaded off The Same Sky EP.
The main event Jordan Andrews offered up James Morrison-esque acoustic singer songwriter vibes but put a more contemporary twist on it. As he sang stand out song of the night Invasion the soulful and emotional tone of his voice came through.
JA has recently secured artist management and with more gigs in the pipeline is on the cusp of something great. In the meantime, look forward to his confirmed slot at the Sunday Sessions with the East Collective at Proud Camden on June 14th.
Sherwin Claridge
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