As the BFI launches a season dedicated to the works of the American auteur, Ben Flanagan offers a route into his highly diverse canon...
Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley star in a bland sci-fi western, set on a planet where it's possible to hear other people's thoughts
Stop the endless scrolling and start the actual watching with our hand-picked list of the streaming service's most essential movies
From cinema releases to streaming gems, including a brilliant coming of age drama set in London's East End to a macabre slice of Southern Gothic
From cinema releases to streaming gems, including a harrowing odyssey through war-torn Poland and Director Bong on the big screen
With I'm Thinking of Ending Things now on Netflix, Ella Kemp looks back at the films that have come to define the writer-director's extraordinary body of work
From cinema releases to streaming gems, including a dazzling relationship drama from Charlie Kaufman, and Disney's latest live-action remake
With his latest, endlessly rewatchable effort, the Eternal Sunshine scribe has designed a film perfectly suited to the Netflix format
The Irish actress is set to breakthrough with a role in Charlie Kaufman's forthcoming Netflix drama I'm Thinking of Ending Things. But she's been doing fantastic work in everything for years
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a giddy take on the classic whodunnit to a tale of two Popes...