With the year at the halfway point, our writers choose their favourite films, from daring documentaries to box office bombs
Director Christophe Honoré’s film about a teen who suddenly loses his father is hard-going but ultimately rewarding viewing
To coincide with the release of Moonfall, Rafaela Sales Ross looks back on the CG-obsessed director's explosive canon...
From Auteur Theory to Zodiac, we continue our celebration of the Mank filmmaker with an in-depth look at the man and his movies
From Tokyo Story to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, here's our guide to the best films in which plot takes a backseat to talking, wandering, and pondering
The controversial actor puts his soul into a heartfelt but somewhat slight study of his unconventional childhood
James Mangold's highly watchable drama about Ford's efforts to beat Ferrari is familiar but grin-inducing fun