Dionne Edwards’ impressive debut is well directed and packed with wonderful performances, but fails to fully develop its Big Themes
Florence Pugh is a 19th century nurse called to investigate a strange happening in a film packed with interesting details but little payoff
As the latest edition of the festival returns to the capital, Ella Kemp highlights some of this year's most essential features
This masterful follow-up sees the return of Honor Swinton Byrne as Julie, a Hogg proxy on a mission to make sense of a tragic death
Bill Nighy gives one of his best performances in this beautiful and emotionally ripe redo of Akira Kurosawa's 1952 classic Ikiru
Sparks fly between Ruth Wilson and Tom Burke in Harry Wootliff's tale of a toxic relationship, but this isn't quite an affair to remember
David Fincher’s portrait of disputed Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz is a probing look beyond all that glitters
A handy streaming guide to some of the best British films in recent years, from Aardman's Early Man to Joanna Hogg's The Souvenir...
The star of Joanna Hogg's new film was snubbed by BAFTA - despite giving one of the year's best performances
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a feminist crime drama to the big screen incarnation of a TV favourite...