From classics to cult favourites, our team highlight some of the best one-off screenings and re-releases showing this week in the capital
Though it's blessed by an excellent score from John Carpenter, this superpowered-kid retread rarely rises above forgettable
Blerta Basholli's captivating debut follows a recent wave of Kosovan films exploring the female perspective in the shadow of war
Despite a massive body count, part two of this rebooted trilogy is almost all filler, no killer, treading water until the finale arrives
Forget Shawshank: we highlight some lesser known prison escape films, either forgotten or unfairly savaged by the critics
From a timely story of a toxic workplace to an uplifting portrait of a Mexican food expert, here are our picks for what to watch online...
From a gripping story set in apartheid-era South Africa to a Chris Hemsworth action flick, here are our picks for what to stream and rent...
Fancy a film with that added oomph? Discover the most interesting and unique screenings in the capital...
Riley Keogh shines in this icy but frustrating horror film from directors Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala
Halloween AND Bonfire Night, all rolled into one week? There’s almost too much to recommend…