To coincide with the release of Cyrano, Steph Green delves into the British director's lush and eclectic filmography...
Amy Adams gives a completely misguided lead performance in a tone deaf adaptation from Joe Wright that gets everything wrong
With both The Woman in the Window and Oxygen now on Netflix, we recommend further viewing in this sweaty sub-genre...
With cinemas on the cusp of reopening, we highlight the best new streaming releases, including a fascinating doc about retirement
From violent thrillers to strange documentaries, including a festive family drama and a '90s sci-fi classic remastered in glorious 4K
From weird thrillers to offbeat comedies, including a documentary about corruption in Romania and a moving mother-daughter drama
Eugene Kotlyarenko’s timely, cautionary tale about social media's lethal potential is highly watchable but treads familiar ground
Bond 25 has been moved from April to November. We round up some alternate streaming picks starring the film's all-star cast
Summer’s done, the festivals are coming - blockbuster season is well and truly over, for now.