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The Green Knight
A fantasy re-telling of the medieval story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Important Notice about Showtimes
After six years on the cinema scene, we’re sad to announce that WeLoveCinema will stop delivering showtimes and cease updating from Friday 4 August, 2023.
This wasn’t an easy decision, but we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in that time, and are grateful for the experiences and opportunities that came our way.
Gawain is being tested. So are we. The visual brilliance of this film combines with shroomy toxicity and inexplicable moral grandeur: what a stunning experience.The Guardian
Lush and wild. Patel is resplendent.Little White Lies
Above all, The Green Knight is self-consciously participating in an ancient tradition. As the variety of typefaces used in the opening titles hint at, this is only the latest interpretation of a centuries-old yarn.Empire