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My Dear Mother showtimes

My Dear Mother

My Dear Mother on IMDb

Dasha is a native nine-year-old Lapp girl. She is an inmate of a Russian orphanage, even when she is not an orphan. Tasha believes that her mother is dead and that her father is in jail for life. To survive she has found a Russian stepmother at the orphanage. One day her biological mother suddenly calls her. In the background of Tasha’s fate lurks the greater global narrative about the “stolen generations”. Children belonging to different indigenous peoples all over the world were “stolen” and placed in orphanages hoping that they might be assimilated into the majority population.

'My Dear Mother' showtimes in London

Important Notice about Showtimes

After six years on the cinema scene, we’re sad to announce that WeLoveCinema will stop delivering showtimes and cease updating from Friday 4 August, 2023.

This wasn’t an easy decision, but we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in that time, and are grateful for the experiences and opportunities that came our way.

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My Dear Mother Movie details

UK release date

To be announced