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Four Seasons in a Day showtimes

Four Seasons in a Day

Four Seasons in a Day on IMDb

Every day, the Carlingford ferry takes travelers from Northern Ireland to Ireland, a short sea voyage across an invisible border that invites reflection on the consequences of Brexit

★★★☆☆ | Read our full Four Seasons in a Day review
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'Four Seasons in a Day' showtimes in London

Important Notice about Showtimes

After six years on the cinema scene, we’re sad to announce that WeLoveCinema will stop delivering showtimes and cease updating from Friday 4 August, 2023.

This wasn’t an easy decision, but we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in that time, and are grateful for the experiences and opportunities that came our way.

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What we think

While Verbeke tells the story in efficient cinematic swoops, the subjects of her documentary remain murky, swimming beneath predictable opinions and relying on the audience to discern their true characters.
★★★☆☆ | Read in full: Four Seasons in a Day film review Anna McKibbin We Love Cinema

What others think

Four Seasons in a Day turns in circles that arguably get a little too loose, though the detours are often instructional on other fronts.
Phil Hoad The Guardian

Four Seasons in a Day Movie details



UK release date

17 Feb 2023