The actor and now director plays the essential Rocky hits, all while confirming Jonathan Majors as Hollywood's Next Big Thing
As another year draws to a close, our writers choose their favourite films, from daring debuts to boundary-breaking blockbusters
The tragically departed star casts a long shadow over Ryan Coogler's intermittently excellent but otherwise bloated sequel
A couple of fun set-pieces aside, the latest big screen take on Tom Clancy is likely to fill you with a deep-seated regret of your own
As Coming 2 America is released 33 years after the original, Andrew Gaudion looks back at cinema's greatest unpunctual follow-ups...
The cinemas might have temporarily shut their doors, but you can still stream these very recent and very good films at home
From a twisty Juliette Binoche thriller to a documentary about two of hip-hop's most influential people, here are our top picks for streaming and renting...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a monochrome-maritime nightmare to Clint Eastwood's latest deconstruction of heroism...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a charming Dickens adaptation to a mad classic restored in 4K...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a gripping judicial drama to the latest film by Terrence Malick...