An enticingly snowy and spooky premise is wasted on an overlong, unsatisfying, and poorly acted murder-mystery from Scott Cooper
Though Christian Bale and Russell Crowe make great additions to the MCU, Taika Waititi's latest mostly feels uninspired and stale
To coincide with the release of Paul Greengrass' News of the World, we look back at some of this unstoppable genre's recent greats
With Tenet finally in cinemas, Ella Kemp considers its place within the filmmaker's epic canon and sorts the misfires from the masterpieces...
With the arrival of Family Romance, LLC, a Japan-set curio, we try to sum up the Bavarian legend's career in just five films
Forget Shawshank: we highlight some lesser known prison escape films, either forgotten or unfairly savaged by the critics
Daniel Radcliffe stars in this unashamed slice of prison-based pulp, based on Tim Jenkin's book of the same name
All the best films showing in the capital, from the most original animation of the year to a Frozen follow-up...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a 21st century Kramer vs Kramer to a vehicular showdown...
James Mangold's highly watchable drama about Ford's efforts to beat Ferrari is familiar but grin-inducing fun