As another year draws to a close, our writers choose their favourite films, from daring debuts to boundary-breaking blockbusters
David Gordon Green just about makes up for 2021's woeful Halloween Kills with a smarter and more character-driven finale
Writer-director Lena Dunham proves a perfect fit for this very kind and very funny coming-of-age tale set in 13th century England
Isabelle Fuhrman gives a committed turn in Laura Hadaway's debut, but its reliance on tropes means it's more irritating than inspired
As the director's novelisation of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood hits bookshelves, Hannah Strong reflects on his oeuvre so far...
A couple of fun set-pieces aside, the latest big screen take on Tom Clancy is likely to fill you with a deep-seated regret of your own
To coincide with the release of Paul Greengrass' News of the World, we look back at some of this unstoppable genre's recent greats
Stephen Daldry's low-budget drama was an unexpected box office smash, earning Oscar nominations and even spawning a musical. Two decades later, Ella Kemp looks back on the British classic
We run down the best films to rent and stream, including a glorious ode to Eurovision and a 17th century spin on the home invasion thriller
We run down the week's best films to rent and stream, including a timely doc on trans representation and the latest from Olivier Assayas...