As the month-long celebration kicks off again, Steph Green offers a pathway into the most morally murky of all movie genres...
Vicky Krieps gives a remarkable lead performance in Emily Atef's layered, psychologically rich exploration of life and death
To mark the release of Crimes of the Future, Steph Green sorts the body-obsessed auteur's vast filmography from worst to best...
Lukas Dhont's well-acted but overly manipulative second feature opts for empty tragedy over any real exploration of its characters
Anne Hathaway and Anthony Hopkins star in this languid semi-autobiographical drama about a Jewish family in '80s New York
With Sam Raimi's original game-changing blockbuster turning 20 this week, we take stock of the web-slinger's filmic ventures so far...
Mimi Cave's feature debut explores the hell of modern dating with plenty of wit but is let down by rote plotting and flimsy feminism
To coincide with the release of Moonfall, Rafaela Sales Ross looks back on the CG-obsessed director's explosive canon...
With Raya and the Last Dragon now on Disney+, Ella Kemp tackles the entire animated canon. To quote a very famous mouse: Oh, boy!
Extremely prolific, always interesting, we rundown five essential performances to coincide with the release of his latest film Tesla