The latest effort from DreamWorks Animation doesn't seek to reinvent the wheel, but manages to charm in spite of its familiarity
From classics to cult favourites, our team highlight some of the best one-off screenings and re-releases showing this week in the capital
This 1959 classic, now on re-release, follows the moral dilemma of a petty thief and paved the way for the French New Wave
Jessie Buckley stars as a tortured woman plagued by multiple Rory Kinnears in a film that's just too allegorical for its own good
Amy Adams gives a completely misguided lead performance in a tone deaf adaptation from Joe Wright that gets everything wrong
Four teenagers are hunted by psychotic aristocrats in Ninian Doff's likeable but baggy caper, set in the Scottish Highlands
From an affable Billy Crystal comedy to a Meghan Markle-narrated elephant doc, here are our top picks for streaming and renting...
Fancy a film with that added oomph? Discover the most interesting, unique, and weird screenings in the capital...