As the month-long celebration kicks off again, Steph Green offers a pathway into the most morally murky of all movie genres...
This high school drama may teeter towards the conventional, but it also offers a timely and emotional look at Argentinian femininity
Todd Haynes is back with a provocative and interesting but lop-sided documentary about one of the Sixties' most enigmatic bands
What movies to catch in the capital, from a magical Pixar adventure to an essential documentary about a true literary icon...
What movies to catch in the capital, from Céline Sciamma’s romantic masterpiece to a timely take on a HG Wells classic...
Fancy a film with that added oomph? Discover the most interesting and unique screenings in the capital...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a seething satire set in 1975 to a horror sequel about a killer clown...
Fancy a film with that added oomph? Discover the most interesting and unique screenings in the capital...