With none of the saving graces of Tetris, Air, or Barbie, this ambition-free look at the Beanie Baby craze is pure mediocrity
Elizabeth Banks's third directorial effort is effective whenever it's in slasher/horror mode, but painfully unfunny jokes drag it down
As another year draws to a close, our writers choose their favourite films, from daring debuts to boundary-breaking blockbusters
To mark the release of Crimes of the Future, Steph Green sorts the body-obsessed auteur's vast filmography from worst to best...
Where the director's 2015 Mad Max sequel had a boundless, thrilling energy, this story about stories barely has any pep in its step
A woman takes over as breadwinner in Satyajit Ray's feminist exploration of family power structures, now back in cinemas
Mimi Cave's feature debut explores the hell of modern dating with plenty of wit but is let down by rote plotting and flimsy feminism
There's no reason for this legacy horror to exist, but it's a quick, gory experience that undoubtably entertains in the moment
To coincide with the release of Moonfall, Rafaela Sales Ross looks back on the CG-obsessed director's explosive canon...
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn's shift from Marvel results in one of DC's most enjoyable and distinctive movies yet