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Wisconsin Death Trip showtimes

Wisconsin Death Trip

Wisconsin Death Trip on IMDb

This film adaptation of Michael Lesy's 1973 book takes a look at the sordid and disturbing underside of life in a small Wisconsin community in the 1890s. In the early 1970s, Lesy discovered a large collection of curious photographs from Black River Falls, Wisconsin, taken near the end of the 19th century, and began doing research on the town in hopes of learning the story behind them. Lesy was startled by what he learned; over the course of a decade, Black River Falls fell victim to a severe diphtheria epidemic, the local economy collapsed following the shutdown of a mining business, a serial ...

'Wisconsin Death Trip' showtimes in London

Important Notice about Showtimes

After six years on the cinema scene, we’re sad to announce that WeLoveCinema will stop delivering showtimes and cease updating from Friday 4 August, 2023.

This wasn’t an easy decision, but we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in that time, and are grateful for the experiences and opportunities that came our way.

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Wisconsin Death Trip Movie details


UK release date

02 May 2017