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News of the World

News of the World on IMDb

A Civil War veteran agrees to deliver a girl, taken by the Kiowa people years ago, to her aunt and uncle, against her will. They travel hundreds of miles and face grave dangers as they search for a place that either can call home.

★★★★☆ | Read our full News of the World review
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'News of the World' showtimes in London

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After six years on the cinema scene, we’re sad to announce that WeLoveCinema will stop delivering showtimes and cease updating from Friday 4 August, 2023.

This wasn’t an easy decision, but we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved in that time, and are grateful for the experiences and opportunities that came our way.

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What we think

With a compelling, adorably played relationship at its heart and action that relies on ingenuity as much as violence, it retains a wonderful all-ages appeal without sacrificing any tension or emotional depth, bolstered by outstanding performances from a long-established movie legend in Hanks and a sure-to-be superstar in Zengel.
★★★★☆ | Read in full: News of the World film review Jack Blackwell We Love Cinema

What others think

This is a slow news day.
Peter Bradshaw The Guardian
As much as News Of The World is about America in the 1870s, it also dovetails seamlessly into the 21st century.
Ian Freer Empire
Here’s where Hanks’ casting comes in handy, as the paternal, reassuring aura he’s built up over years of playing authority figures and moral champions adds the impression of finer shading to his character.
Charles Bramesco Little White Lies

News of the World Movie details


UK release date

10 Feb 2021