Writer-director James Gunn stays true to himself while delivering a quirky, action-packed, and shockingly emotional sign-off
Mali Elfman's initially intriguing debut grapples admirably with notions of love and death but its drama is too thinly realised
Karen Gillan is usurped by her own duplicate in writer-director Riley Stearns' intriguing but not entirely fulfilling future yarn
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a "one-shot" wonder to perhaps the most stressful film ever made...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a vibrant Nazi satire to a restoration of a true Italian classic...
All the movies worth catching in the capital, from a phenomenal adaptation to an animated film about a pigeon...
Dwayne Johnson doing a Danny DeVito impression proves too flimsy a premise to build a follow-up on