Writer-director James Gunn stays true to himself while delivering a quirky, action-packed, and shockingly emotional sign-off
With UK cinemas back in full swing, we highlight the best of what's new, from crowd-pleasers to the latest comedy from Ryan Reynolds
With UK cinemas back in full swing, we highlight the best of what's new, from a crime caper based on a tweet to a 1940s classic restored
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn's shift from Marvel results in one of DC's most enjoyable and distinctive movies yet
With UK cinemas back in full swing, we highlight the best of what's new, from a hilarious immigration drama to a charming musical doc
This James Gunn-produced superhero/horror hybrid is fun in the moment but lacks depth
Get ready to try something very new this Halloween - the holiday home of horror movies just got a whole lot broader.